(Where it Begins)



go to suggested LIVELY LINKS to discussions on other sites.

Alright, Perhaps this will simplify things.

This page is where the process begin

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Reasons to bring the discussion to Defend Your Post:

-The original author is not approving comments. The author can promote a charity here, and that may motivate them. They may also be less threatened by the one-on-one format.

-You can’t get anyone to challenge your original post on your own site, or maybe you just want to pick up some free press.

-The conversations are becoming hard to follow or comments are becoming long-winded. On Defend Your Post, the author will be isolated by one challenger, and each will be limited to 500 words (more or less) per response.

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23 thoughts on “(Where it Begins)

  1. Nate says:

    Another interesting discussion on why the Bible claims God commanded genocide:

    Did God Speak to People of Canaan?

    • Argus says:

      “God repeatedly sent Moses and Aaron to the leaders of Egypt with a message, and repeatedly relented when Pharoah asked Moses to appeal to God (Exodus 7 – 10)”

      Begs the question:
      Is it humanly possible (ouch) for God to ‘change his mind’? (Her mind? Its mind? Their mind?)

      An omniscient omnipotent is incapable of ‘relenting’ or changing its mind. Can’t be done, sorreee!

      • Bob Vance says:

        Sorry for the repost. I will claim ignorance of your site format because I have no better excuse.

        Either A or B can be true, but not both. It doesn’t matter if it’s Old or New Covenant or even if “Free Will” is involved:

        A. The killing of innocents is evil and can never be justified. It is an absolute truth.
        B. Sometimes, the killing of innocents is necessary. Why else would God have commanded genocide in the Bible? (Even pregnant women and children)

        If you believe in a Biblical God, then A cannot be true, and everything is part of God’s plan. There can be exceptions to any of God’s rules. Who is to say that abortion is not part of God’s plan? Like slavery, which was justified then but not today, who can say that homosexuality (which once was seen as unacceptable behavior) is now acceptable? Perhaps, God thinks we have evolved enough now to be ready for gay marriage.
        If you believe A is true, then how can you truly believe in a Biblical God?

        • I’m glad to have gotten you away from Quiner’s Diner for a minute 🙂
          I’ve been neglecting this site, I must admit. The majority of traffic is on immortalnobody.com

  2. http://quinersdiner.com/2013/03/16/hard-words-from-the-new-pope/#comment-8093

    This is one has already been reblogged, but the author is only responding on his own site (selectively).

  3. Allallt says:

    I read this post (mlcandelario.wordpress.com/2013/03/26/why-im-not-an-atheist-pt-4), and I noticed some huge errors in it and I left a comment and on the authors reply I almost immediately recognised the language games he was going to play. So I gave up. But you might find someone who enjoys it.

    • Argus says:

      I see what you mean about Quiners. I left this comment wrt the snippet about the Pope at the top of the ‘Hard Words From the New Pope’ page I went to—

      “Sorry, Mr Pope—If some unborn kills me I’m damned if I’m going to defend him. I refuse to take that lying down~!”

      —and it will be interesting to see if it gets through.

    • Argus says:

      Stupid links putting my replies in the wrong places … mutter mutter mutter … the above (or will it end up below?) was for M. Clochard.

      Never mind, I also had a look at mlcandelario and see what you mean. To be honest I didn’t read it through either. Life is too brief a candle to waste on these good folks.

  4. Bob Vance says:

    Either A or B can be true, but not both. It doesn’t matter if it’s Old or New Covenant or even if “Free Will” is involved:

    A. The killing of innocents is evil and can never be justified. It is an absolute truth.
    B. Sometimes, the killing of innocents is necessary. Why else would God have commanded genocide in the Bible? (Even pregnant women and children)

    If you believe in a Biblical God, then A cannot be true, and everything is part of God’s plan. There can be exceptions to any of God’s rules. Who is to say that abortion is not part of God’s plan? Like slavery, which was justified then but not today, who can say that homosexuality (which once was seen as unacceptable behavior) is now acceptable? Perhaps, God thinks we have evolved enough now to be ready for gay marriage. How can we expect to understand God?

    If you believe A is true, then how can you truly believe in a Biblical God?

    • Argus says:

      I told the ship’s Padre (aka chaplain—we did’t carry a doctor but we had a padre, go figure) once that a ‘loving omnipotent God’ and a bayonet were a contradiction. He didn’t answer but left me alone after that.

      If God commanded the slaughter of (even unborn) innocents the one thing He cannot claim under any circumstances is innocence or ignorance—He knew even before the creation exactly what He was doing. The Holy Guy is, in fact, a colossal sadist of unimaginable horror.

      Furthermore … yuk.

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